Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Bathroom Etiquette for Dummies

I had a very interesting (no, really--it was) conversation the other day with a couple of coworkers about bathroom etiquette. The two of them were "pee shy"--they won't go if there's someone else already using the restroom. They also had rules about what stall a new comer should choose based on which one they had already occupied (hint: the farther away, the better) and how much conversation is acceptable between restroom users (in case you can't guess, none.)

I nodded and smiled in something resembling agreement because I could see they were somewhat passionate about the topic, but I'm afraid I could only partially relate. I couldn't care less whether there's someone peeing next to me in a stall or whether they can hear me pee. I'd prefer to keep the conversation to a minimum, especially while in the act of peeing, but if someone initiated I wouldn't snub them or anything.

I have some modesty--I won't drop trou in front of just anyone and void my bladder--but I have peed in front of My Honey. I guess what it boils down to is I just don't see it as that big a deal. We all do it (unless you're on dialysis or have a catheter or something) but yet we seem to need to pretend we don't. When I announce to my group of friends/coworkers/random strangers in a restaurant that I need to pee, I'm met with embarrassed snickers and cries of "TMI." Why are we so obsessed with making a show of denying our bodily functions?


Guy Hosenpeter said...

Can you imagine if they were men? No cubicles at all! Although there is a certain etiquette that guys follow (I refer to this as "straight-man etiquette"), it doesn't seem nearly as elaborate as when a stall divides you (although there is no talking at a urinal - ever). As a guy you become accustomed to whipping it out (and having people peek).

psychsarah said...

I'm with you-I have no qualms about announcing my need to pee. I had a friend who would say "I'm going to powder my nose" as if this were more civilized, but everyone knew that she was going pee! Like you said, everyone does it-what's the big deal?

BTW-I would feel sympathy for the menfolk and the fact that they have to make do without stalls, but they get to pee standing up, which makes the whole thing more convenient in a variety of situatiosn (i.e., camping), so I'm saving my sympathy on this one...

Mindy said...

If you go pee with me.. prepare to talk while in the act of peeing. And I'm going to tell you that I have to pee... guess I'm not up on my pee-etiquette...